Warehouse robots in intralogistic automation

Logistics is a constantly evolving industry. The rise of e-commerce and the need for faster deliveries have led warehouses to look for solutions to improve the efficiency of their processes. Automation has become an essential response to this challenge, and warehouse robots are a key technology to achieve this. In this article we will explore how warehouse robots are transforming logistics and what are the main trends driving their adoption.

What are warehouse robots?

Warehouse robots are programmable machines used to perform specific tasks within a distribution center. These robots can move autonomously or with the collaboration of operators, and can be configured to perform a wide range of tasks, from transporting and handling goods to inspecting and maintaining facilities. They are equipped with a variety of sensors, cameras and mapping technology to navigate the environment and carry out their tasks efficiently.

Advantages of automation with warehouse robots

Incorporating warehouse robots into an automated process offers a number of key benefits that allow you to meet the stipulated delivery deadlines. Among its advantages we can highlight:

Increased accuracy in order picking

When goods are handled manually, it is more likely to make mistakes, such as misplacing an item from one order on another. In contrast, warehouse robots can work in complete autonomy, following precise software instructions and avoiding errors. This translates into better service for customers and greater efficiency in logistics processes.

Increased efficiency

Warehouse robots contribute to increased productivity in a warehouseby reducing cycle times and errors. For example, while an operator stays in a specific area doing their job, conveyor robots roam the different points of the logistics center for them. This can help warehouses process more orders in less time, which in turn can improve customer satisfaction.

Reduced operating and labor costs

By automating repetitive tasks, companies can reduce operating and labor costs. This is primarily due to optimizing the use of their resources and jobs. In addition, the increased productivity that can be achieved through automation can lead to a reduction in unit cost per product and an increase in work volume.

Improved safety and prevention of occupational accidents

Warehouse robots can improve workplace safety by reducing workers' exposure to hazardous tasks and minimizing the possibility of workplace accidents.

Increased job satisfaction

The introduction of robots in the logistics field can help simplify repetitive and usually tedious tasks for operators, allowing them to be more efficient and productive. One example is the handling of large volumes of cargo. Robots can handle these tasks autonomously, freeing the operator to focus on other more value-added activities, such as quality control or machinery maintenance.

Uses of AGV robots

Warehouse robots have a wide range of applications in logistics processes. The following are the most common use cases:


      • Autonomous cargo transport robots: significantly reduce delivery times and improve overall efficiency.

      • Goods handling and sorting robots: can reduce errors and improve order picking efficiency. 

      • Facility inspection and maintenance robots: help reduce maintenance costs and minimize downtime.

    Types of warehouse robots

    There are various types of warehouse robots to fulfill the different functions required. These are the most common types:

    Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)

    AGVs are automated vehicles that transport materials and move autonomously along predefined routes. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors and navigation systems that enable them to move safely and accurately in dynamic environments. They are ideal for optimizing efficiency and accuracy within a warehouse.

    Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR)

    AMRs are robots that can move freely in a warehouse, without the need for human guidance or supervision. They use advanced mapping and localization technology to navigate through space and safely avoid obstacles. They are versatile robots that can perform a variety of tasks, such as transporting, handling and sorting products.

    Mobile Manipulators

    Mobile manipulators are used to perform object handling and transport tasks. They are equipped with robotic arms and gripping tools that enable them to perform various tasks, such as loading and unloading of goods, product sorting and order picking.

    What is Goods-to-People (GTP) automation?

    Goods-to-person automation, also known as Goods-to-Person (GTP), refers to autonomous product transport, i.e. it involves products being automatically brought to the operators, rather than the operators going for them. Automated systems, such as conveyors, AGVs or AMRs, are used to improve efficiency and speed in material handling processes.

    Automated conveying systems for boxes

    The key to success: combining systems to automate intralogistics processes

    As seen above, automation is fundamental to improving the efficiency of intralogistics processes. However, the key to success lies in combining different technologies to create a customized solutionthat meets the specific needs of each customer.

    For example, one way to optimize the transport of materials within a warehouse is to combine conveyor systems with automated guided vehicles (AGVs). Conveyors are ideal for transporting products from one fixed point to another, while AGVs can move autonomously throughout the logistics center, picking up loads and taking them to their destination without the need for human intervention. By combining these two systems, a highly efficient goods transport solution can be achieved.

    Rielec, intralogistics solutions provider

    At Rielec we design and build customized turnkey intralogistics solutions for any sector, including electromechanical equipment, controls and software. If you want to build or modify an automation system, tell us about your project at info@rielec.com.